Andrea Ellis - Designer

If you are thinking about renovating your home or have bought a home that needs a makeover, then the next question is simple. Do you want to create something that reflects your own unique style, or are you happy with the design and style you'll find on the high street?

Not that there's anything wrong with the style and design from the likes of Freedom furniture or even Ikea, but it does feel a little 'samey'. If you're like me, you'll prefer something a little more inspiring.

As a designer I'm passionate about working with clients in a collaborative way. To explore colour, texture, styles to help you transform your home into something you'll be proud to show off. Good design is more than just looking gorgeous, it has to be practical. Having a home that wouldn't look out of place in a home interiors magazine is all well and good, but if it doesn't work for you and your lifestyle, then very quickly you'll tire of being on trend.

I work best with clients who enjoy the creative process and are looking for someone who can help them realise their vision.

Whatever space you want to transform, from your Kitchen or bathroom, home office to outdoor living, I can help you.

If this sounds good, why not call me to arrange a consultation.


Andrea Ellis - Designer

If you are thinking about renovating your home or have bought a home that needs a makeover, then the next question is simple. Do you want to create something that reflects your own unique style, or are you happy with the design and style you'll find on the high street?

Not that there's anything wrong with the style and design from the likes of Freedom furniture or even Ikea, but it does feel a little 'samey'. If you're like me, you'll prefer something a little more inspiring.

As a designer I'm passionate about working with clients in a collaborative way. To explore colour, texture, styles to help you transform your home into something you'll be proud to show off. Good design is more than just looking gorgeous, it has to be practical. Having a home that wouldn't look out of place in a home interiors magazine is all well and good, but if it doesn't work for you and your lifestyle, then very quickly you'll tire of being on trend.

I work best with clients who enjoy the creative process and are looking for someone who can help them realise their vision.

Whatever space you want to transform, from your Kitchen or bathroom, home office to outdoor living, I can help you.

If this sounds good, why not call me to arrange a consultation.